RESET® Air Projects
The RESET Air Standard is the world's first sensor-based and performance-driven data standard and certification program for the built environment.
RESET Air standardizes the continuous monitoring requirements of air quality in built environments and makes visible the invisible factor that impacts all indoor spaces in regards to health, productivity, and sustainability.
Go to RESET Air Projects Process1. Why do a RESET Air Project
RESET Air establishes monitoring requirements and performance targets for healthy indoor air quality. RESET Air's requirements for continuous monitoring can be used to determine whether or not a space is healthy and can also help a project optimize the solutions to guarantee that it is healthy. With a focus on monitoring rather than specific solutions, this approach maximizes innovation and adaptation while reducing overall project costs.
The RESET framework brings buildings into the age of data. A building and an organization that understands data has significant benefits:
Promoting Health and Productivity
We breathe 15,000L of air per day. We consume 5,000 times more air than water in terms of volume. Minor variations in air quality dramatically impacts health and productivity.
RESET empowers healthier and more productive buildings and occupants, which is vital to retaining tenants and employees, in addition to attracting new ones.
RESET Air provides a tangible return on investment for offices and property owners. For offices, RESET Air enables healthier spaces and more productive spaces. For property owners, RESET Air empowers the communication of healthier, more productive buildings to prospective tenants.
To learn more about the effects of air quality, download the RESET Air Introduction PDF .
Servicing Guarantee
When working with air quality service or solutions providers, RESET Air is an excellent way to guarantee the service being offered will actually result in a space with healthy air quality for the long term. Attaching RESET Air into the contract will facilitate communication and better results.
For more benefits, please go to RESET Project Benefits.
2. How RESET Air Works
RESET Air is designed to prioritize on-going results and long-term occupant health with a focus on the operational phase of the built environment. In the case of RESET Air, indoor air quality data is required to be continuously gathered through air quality monitors that measure the following parameters:
- Particulate Matter (PM2.5 in ug/m3)
- Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC in mg/m3, ug/m3 or ppb)
- Carbon Dioxide (CO2 in ppm)
- Temperature (in °C or °F)
- Relative Humidity (in %RH)
RESET Air employs a non-prescriptive approach for certification. Given the wide variety of space types occurring in the built environment and myriad ways occupants use these spaces, project teams must define and defend their calculation methodologies based on the individual project.
Below are summaries of the project accreditation requirements for the two project typologies:

At a Glance - Commercial Interiors
RESET Air for Commercial Interiors (CI) tracks and communicates the health performance of interiors to occupants. Commercial Interiors targets a section of the interior space and is a typology tailored for tenants or a partial owner of an indoor space.
Real-time results are used to attract and retain the best staff, reduce insurance premiums, increase occupancy rates and ensure occupants stay healthy.
Monitoring Requirements
- Minimum of one space out of every regularly occupied space type.
- 80% of occupants represented.
- Monitor coverage not to exceed 500m2 in open areas.
- Use of accredited hardware & software platforms.
Performance Requirements
Continuous monitoring of PM2.5, CO2, VOCs, RH and Temperature. Thresholds for PM2.5, CO2 & VOCs attained for 3 months consecutively.
Communication & Education
Performance results available to long-term project occupants on an ongoing basis, once performance thresholds are met.
Check out the RESET Air Project Process page or go download the pdf at the download section, 2.3 RESET Air Certification Process for Commercial Interiors.

At a Glance - Core & Shell
RESET Air for Core & Shell (CS) tracks and communicates the health performance of entire buildings to prospective tenants. Core & Shell targets the entire building and is a typology tailored for landlords and developers.
Real-time results helps owners attract better tenants, maintain asset value and reduce the potential liability associated with under-performing buildings.
Monitoring Requirements
- Monitors installed post-filtration and post-mixing to monitor the air being delivered to occupants.
- 30% of delivered air monitored.
- Pairing with an outdoor air quality monitor, used to establish an outdoor baseline for comparison.
- Use of accredited hardware & software platforms.
Performance Requirements
Continuous monitoring of PM2.5, CO2, VOCs, RH and Temperature. Thresholds for PM2.5, CO2 & VOCs attained for 3 months consecutively.
Communication & Education
Performance results available to long-term project occupants on an ongoing basis, once performance thresholds are met.
Check out the RESET Air Project Process page or go download the pdf at the download section, 2.5 RESET Air Certification Process for Core & Shell.
RESET can be applied to new or existing project typologies.
By separating Commercial Interiors and Core & Shell, RESET Air helps owners, operators, and tenants achieve healthy performance targets by clearly defining and communicating their respective roles and responsibilities.
3. Implementation and Considerations
Getting started with RESET Air is easy, low commitment, and low cost because it is only targeting continuous monitoring and data collection, not the solutions. Leveraging the data collected will allow projects to be able to find the best and most cost effective solution for the situation.
The general process for RESET Air projects can be broken down into the following four parts:

Plan and Select
As a performance-based standard, data quality is very important for RESET Air. For certification, RESET requires the use of accredited monitors, accredited data providers, in addition to installation and deployment requirements.
When pursuing project certification, a RESET AP is required. Therefore, it is recommended that a RESET AP is invited to participate with the planning and selecting.
Click here to browse through the directory of RESET Accredited Monitors and RESET Accredited Data Providers.
Install and Commission
To prepare for certification, monitors must be properly installed and commissioned. Make sure that network and connectivity is factored into consideration. Monitors must be connected to a data provider that can be properly configured to stream the data to the RESET Cloud for the provision of health and certification analytics.
Record & Certify
The audit process, which must be led by a RESET AP, involves a Documentation Audit, a Site Audit, and a Data Audit. For the Data Audit, projects must be within the performance targets during occupancy for PM2.5, TVOC, and CO2, for 3 consecutive months to pass.
Click here to browse through our list of RESET APs.
RESET Air Project Accreditation and Certification targets the operating phase of a project. That means that once a project has become initially certified, RESET continues to perform the Data Audit, maintaining a re-certifying status. Consistent poor performance can result in the loss of the project certification. Achieving and maintaining RESET Air Certification highlights the excellent facilities and operations team and demonstrates the space or building's commitment to the health of its occupants.
4. Accreditation Process
The RESET Air Standard highlights the requirements necessary for proper air quality monitoring, so simply leveraging the standard is a good way to get started. RESET also provides third-party project accreditation and certification services, so if a project wants to achieve certification status, it is possible to do so.
RESET Air Audits
There are three parts to the RESET Air Audits:
Documentation Audit
A one-time paper audit to confirm that the implementation fulfills all of the RESET requirements.
Site Audit
A one-time physical or virtual audit to confirm that the implementation is according to what was written in the Documentation Audit.
Data Audit
A continuous data audit that verifies that the project is being continuously monitored and whether or not it is achieving performance targets.
For more details on certification, please check out RESET Air Project Accreditation Process .
Project Accreditation Statuses
Implementing monitoring according to the RESET Air Standard with no other RESET services is a good way to start. To celebrate projects that do go through the auditing and accreditation process, we have Project Accreditation Statuses that are awarded to projects:
RESET Air Pre-Accredited
Awarded to projects that have designed in to their project the requirements for continuous monitoring. To get this status, projects must pass the Documentation Audit.
RESET Air Accredited
Awarded to projects that are continuous monitoring according to the RESET Standard. To get this status, projects must pass the Site Audit and initiate and maintain the Data Audit.
RESET Air Certified
Awarded to projects that have achieved the performance requirements. To get this status, projects must pass 3 consecutive months of the Data Audit.
Accreditation Statuses are applied to each of the RESET Standards separately per project.
5. Pricing
Please click the link below to view Project Pricing information. The Project Pricing page includes:
- Project Pricing Calculator
- Pricing Comparison Table
6. Crosswalks
RESET Air has approved pathways, harmonizations, crosswalks and equivalencies with a host of other green building schemes and certification programs. To find out more, click the links below.
7. FAQ and Relevant Links
Below is a link to the FAQ for the RESET Air Standard & Projects and a few other relevant links:
RESET Air Standard & Project Links
RESET Data Provider Links
- RESET Data Providers Introduction
- How to become a RESET Accredited Data Provider
- Directory of RESET Accredited Data Providers
RESET Monitors Links
- RESET Monitors Introduction
- How to become a RESET Accredited Monitor
- Directory of RESET Air Accredited Monitors
If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at info[at]