The RESET® Standard
RESET is a set of standards and assessment tools & services focused around data quality and data transparency with the purpose of helping built environments become healthier and more sustainable.
RESET strongly believes that you cannot effectively solve what you cannot measure, therefore, RESET promotes data collection and continuous monitoring via standardization. Data is the key to building awareness and visibility and helps us better engage with discovering the optimal solutions to our problems.
1. Standards
Because the RESET Standard is modularized, project teams can implement individual modules over time. Dividing the Standard into modules allows teams the opportunity to pursue criteria that are most critical to them according to individual priorities. Projects need not accomplish all modules in order to certify.
Embodied Standards
Embodied Standards and data encapsulates data associated with the construction processes throughout the lifecycle of a built environment. Data transparency and accountability for materials used in your spaces and buildings.
Learn more about the RESET Embodied Standard (previously known as the RESET Materials Standard).
1. RESET Embodied Carbon
Accounting for carbon emissions from building material sourcing, transportation, and construction.
2. RESET Embodied Circularity
Total circularity accounting for products and projects, including source of life (SOL) and end of life (EOL).
3. RESET Embodied Health
Accounting for health based on chemical ingredients and chemical off-gassing.
Operational Standards
Operational data encapsulates data associated with the continuous operations of a built environment.
1. RESET Air
Make visible the invisible factor that impacts all indoor spaces in regards to health, productivity, and sustainability.
2. RESET Energy
Bring to the forefront the carbon operating costs of the built environment and leverage faster feedback loops to improve.
Learn more about the RESET Energy Standard.
3. RESET Water
Generate awareness around water conservation and improve water use efficiency and water quality.
Learn more about the RESET Water Standard.
4. RESET Waste
Automatically track and understand the lifecycle input and output of waste; where and how much it is generated and consumed.
Learn more about the RESET Waste Standard.
2. What is a Data Standard?
A data standard for built environments define the data structure and the rules and requirements around data quality. Unlike design standards that define solution requirements, data standards focus on the fundamentals of monitoring and data collection.
The RESET Standard is a data standard that creates a structure for data quality, continuous monitoring, and benchmarking, harnessing the power of technology to derive results pertaining to how buildings and interior spaces are performing with a focus on their operational phase.

Performance Driven
The RESET Standard is performance and results driven. To apply the RESET Standard, building or spaces need to be continuously monitored long term to guarantee operational and maintenance quality during occupancy.

The RESET Standard requires the communication of data to occupants and tenants. All systems must be connected and automated to transfer data from the monitoring sensors to the data provider platforms.

Data Quality
The RESET Standard establishes requirements for data quality by specifying requirements for deployment, hardware, software, and long term maintenance. Data quality ensures better analytics and optimizations.
Learn more about RESET Accredited Monitors and RESET Accredited Data Providers.
3. Project Typologies
The RESET Standard can be applied to Commercial Interiors and Core & Shell project typologies.

Commercial Interiors
The Commercial Interiors (CI) project typology targets the interior spaces and fit-outs of built environments. These are the interior spaces that occupants dwell in, including offices, shopping malls, restaurants, hotel rooms, etc.
The RESET Standard for CI helps project teams track building performance so that data can be communicated clearly to building occupants. Building data presented transparently can help attract and retain talented staff and contribute to increased occupancy rates.

Core & Shell
The Core & Shell (CS) project typology targets the base building's structure and systems, such as the central HVAC systems, water pumps and cooling tanks, and elevators.
The RESET Standard for CS helps entire buildings track the performance of their air handling systems (HVAC) and ensures that the data can be clearly communicated to current and prospective tenants. Data from CS projects can help owners attract tenants, maintain asset value and potentially reduce liabilities associated with an under-performing building.
4. Project Statuses and Accreditation
Projects that leverage the RESET Standard can be accredited or certified by RESET per module.
Click here to learn about project statuses and accreditation.
1. RESET Pre-Accredited
RESET Pre-Accredited is awarded to projects that have passed the documentation audit according to the RESET Standard. A project can submit and be approved for this status irrespective of whether or not construction has commenced.
2. RESET Accredited
RESET Accredited is awarded to projects that have deployed monitors according to the RESET Standard and have passed the documentation and site audits as applicable, but have not yet passed the performance criteria as outlined in the respective Standard Module. A RESET Accredited Project has access to the RESET Cloud for analytics and benchmarking.
3. RESET Certified
RESET Certified is awarded to RESET Accredited Projects once they have passed all performance requirements of the respective RESET Standard. RESET Certified is performance-based and on-going, requiring that a building's facilities and operations team engage in efforts with the owner and tenants to maintain the coveted RESET Certified status in perpetuity.
Click here to learn about accreditation for the RESET Air Standard.
5. Standard Development and Updates
The RESET Standard is developed and updated by iterating through the inputs and feedback from real-world projects via pilots.
The process can be broken down into the following 4 stages:
Stage 1: Initial Identification
The first stage consists of identifying the new idea the applying it to a real project to see if it is feasible. The methodology also needs to be verified to make sense, with feedback from mulltiple parites during the pilot.
- Research Initiative Identification: As identified by GIGA, suggested by RESET APs, and/or project owners.
- Pilot Project Identification: Real-world project(s) from one or several project owner seeking to solve the problem identified above.
- Internal Review: Review of methodology and results by project stakeholders, including GIGA’s research team, RESET APs, project owners, suppliers, and other experts as required.
- Publication of Draft Standard Update: A draft of the standard update is written and published for a wider audience to explore.
Stage 2: Pilot Expansion and Internal Review
The second stage consists of expanding the scope of pilots and reviewing the existing pilots as we iterate through the details of the standard update.
- Expanded pilot projects.
- Expanded Internal Review: Review of methodology and results by project stakeholders, including GIGA's research team, RESET APs, project owners, suppliers, and other experts as required.
- Review and update of the draft standard update with versioning.
Stage 3: External Review and Beta
The third stage consists of establishing a working group to help provide feedback. Most working group members will have access to real-world projects that they can pilot the update so the feedback is practical and relevant.
- Working group composed of external experts focused on the ongoing review and improvement of the standard.
- Publication of the Standard Update (beta).
Stage 4: Official Standard Update
The fourth stage is when we get to the official standard update. The standard document is cleaned up, the website is updated, and the changelog and versions of all the iterations will be available upon request.
- Publication of the Official Standard Update.
A list of pilots can be found at RESET Initiatives. For participation in these pilots, please reach out to us at info[at]