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RESET® for Products

The RESET Product Score is a program based on the RESET Embodied Standard, for products and materials. This program is necessary for RESET Embodied for Projects, leveraging the scoring for products to generate the aggregated score for a project.

Quick links

For product suppliers responding to an RFP (Request For Proposal):

  • Embodied Carbon: Contact us to learn if Generic Proxy data for your product category already exists: info@reset.build.
  • Embodied Circularity: Click here to download the Circularity Declaration form.
  • Embodied Health: Click here to download the Ingredient Declaration form.

1. What is the RESET Product Score?

The RESET Product Score extracts performance data from existing certifications, declarations and test reports, serving as a universal translator to enable quantification, scoring, and benchmarking.

RESET Product Scoring consists of 3 parts:

A total embodied score is then generated using the 3 parts, empowering users to compare the overall embodied performance of products.

The RESET Product Score is used by projects pursuing the RESET Embodied Standard and Certification for Projects.

Note: Embodied Ecology and Embodied Social scores are currently under developed and will be added to the overall score once completed.

2. Why get a RESET Product Score?

The diversity of certifications, declarations, and test reports required of products creates a complexity that prevents even the most experienced project teams from answering a simple question: "Which product best suits my needs?"

By extracting performance data from product labels, project teams are able to make objective and quantified decisions easily.

Comparing Products w/ Labels

Comparing product labels does not help users identify which products are lower carbon, more circular or healthier.

Comparing Products w/ Scores

The RESET Product Score allows for quick and direct comparison of carbon, circularity, and health.

3. Next Steps and Pilot

The RESET Embodied Standard for Products is currently in active pilot phase. Target date for official release will be in 2024.

Call for Product and Materials Pilots

If there are any product or material manufacturers who are interested in getting a RESET Embodied Score and need guidance, please reach out to us at info[at]reset.build.

Learn more about our pilot phase via our RESET Initiative page.