RESET Joining Forces with LVMH

Join us in celebrating LVMH for making their retail store sustainability guidelines fully public - a first for the luxury sector.
When the world’s largest luxury retailer publishes their internal guide to advancing the sustainability of their spaces, the rest of the retail world should pay attention. It’s a signal that as retail spaces increasingly focus on customer experience, retail interiors have an outsized role and opportunity to make sustainability desirable and valued.
Sustainability can only be achieved by joining forces: to maximize synergies, the RESET Embodied Health Standard now contributes directly to the Healthy Materials (A01) criteria within the LIFE 5.2 Standard, and vice versa.
Congratulations Nicolas Martin, Helene Valade and Antoine Arnault for taking this bold step and sharing the LIFE content. And thank you for including GIGA / RESET in the journey.
Please click here to check the press release from LVMH and download the "LIFE in Architecture" guide.
About RESET®
RESET® is an international performance data standard and certification program, created and managed by GIGA, that offers a pathway towards decarbonization by developing actionable and measurable strategies towards regenerative sustainability and health for the built environment. RESET takes a quantitative and holistic approach to embodied and operational data by combining the development of databases, data collection, continuous monitoring, and cloud software to automate reporting and analytics, which then generates opportunities for iterative improvement and optimizations.
The RESET Embodied Standards include Embodied Carbon, Circularity, and Health, while the RESET Operational Standards include Air, Energy, Water, and Waste.
For more information about RESET, please visit: