Official Expansion of the RESET Standards

RESET started as a performance standard for air quality, leveraging continuous monitoring to make indoor air quality visible through the data and graphs. Over the years, our belief in the value of continuous monitoring for the built environment strengthened.
And now, we are excited to officially announce that we are expanding the RESET Standards to include: Materials, Air, Water, Energy, and Circularity! We previously already announced the RESET Materials Standard and if you’ve been exploring RESET’s website, some might have noticed that we have already displayed the new standards in the RESET website.
During the next two months, we will gradually be announcing specifics on these standards as well as opportunities for pilots. Please subscribe to our email newsletter if you haven't already via this link:
Below are slides describing each one:
For more details about the RESET Standard, please visit this link:
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at
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RESET is a set of standards and assessment tools & services to develop actionable, long term strategies towards health and sustainability for the built environment. Learn more at