Orkli Zsaindari Pro
The ZSaindari Pro is designed to measure and manage indoor air quality within homes. It includes sensors that measure air quality and connects to Orkli’s ecosystem (radiant-cooling floor, ventilation, Pkom4 heat pump, and Oksol Smart solar system). The device interprets data from different areas of the home and interacts with these solutions to regulate and monitor indoor air quality. Serving as an energy efficiency and health assistant, ZSaindari also allows users to access information through mobile devices or web interfaces, offering insights, historical data, and usage recommendations to improve indoor air quality within homes.

Link to Website
Active Markets
Zsaindari Pro is currently available in the following markets:
- European Union
Additional Markets
Sensor Information
Parameter | Status | Notes |
PM2.5 | Accredited | N/A |
CO2 | Accredited | N/A |
TVOC | Accredited | N/A |
Temperature | Accredited | N/A |
Relative Humidity | Accredited | N/A |
Company Information
Orkli, S.Coop. Orkli is a Spanish company dedicated to the design, development and manufacture of components and systems for energy management in household appliances, heating systems, and other related products. Its focus is on innovation and energy efficiency. Orkli produces a wide range of products, including thermostats, valves, energy control systems and other devices related to thermal management and energy efficiency. Its work spans different industries, including domestic heating, household appliances and air conditioning systems. https://www.orkli.com/
Contact Information
Rafael Bravo Antolín R&D Manager Orkli S.Coop rbravo@orkli.es
Accreditation Date
RESET Certificate