RESET® 运营性能标准
RESET is the world's first sensor-based and performance-driven BUILDING STANDARD and certification program.
RESET 标准是一种数据质量标准,专门设计用于建筑环境的连续监测。标准规定了监测设备的布置、数据收集和结果报告的要求。RESET 标准旨在全球范围内提升持续监测的使用率和可信度。我们的目标是提高对建筑物运行方式的理解,以创造更健康更可持续的未来。
RESET 标准是世界上第一个基于传感器和性能驱动的建筑环境计划。它是一个数据标准、一套工具和一个认证程序。RESET 标准为数据质量、持续绩效评估和基准测试创建了一个结构。该标准利用技术的力量来评估建筑物和内部在其整个生命周期内的体现和运营性能。
1. RESET Operational Standards
RESET 标准是模块化的,可以单独进行认证。项目团队可以随着时间的推移实施各个模块,从而有机会追求与项目的优先事项和需求最相关的标准。
2. RESET 运营如何运作
RESET 致力于收集长期的连续的数据,并要求数据通过多参数监测设备传输到云端。采用 RESET 标准收集数据可以更好地了解建成环境,以确保用户的健康和可持续性,因为 RESET 充分考虑了运行和维护的重要性。

查看 RESET 标准。

RESET 是结果驱动且专注运营的。RESET 需要连续监测且需要每天报告数据。运营监测可促进更好地长期维护和优化。
查看 RESET 认可监测设备和数据提供商。

查看 RESET 名录 。
点击此了解更多如何使用 RESET3. A Performance and Data-Driven Standard
The RESET Operational Standards is a performance and data-driven standard for evaluating the operational building performance by standardizing the continuous monitoring requirements as it pertains to indoor air quality, energy consumption and production, water consumption and quality, and waste consumption in the built environment.
RESET Operational takes into consideration aspects including monitor performance, deployment, and installation requirements, as well as data reporting and data platform requirements, with the goal of standardizing the data collected is trusted, actionable, and relevant.
RESET Operational's fundamental approach to data requirements can be divided into 3 parts:
RESET Operational standardizes the continuous monitoring requirements for performance in built environments. Continuous monitoring brings to the forefront the performance data and provides easier access to understanding how to leverage the faster feedback loops to improve efficiency.
The completeness of data verifies whether or not all the data is there and whether there is enough data to understand the state of the operational performance.
Data 数据质量
RESET 首先是数据质量的标准。只有数据质量高评估结果质量才够高。
RESET 从源头解决数据质量,并制定项目中监测设备及其部署方法的要求。RESET 还要求以正确的方式安装监测设备并制定长期维护计划,从而确保数据的可行度和相关性。最后,RESET 对如何报告和连接数据设定了要求,以确保数据的透明度和可达性。
RESET 从源头解决数据质量,并制定项目中监测设备及其部署方法的要求。RESET 还要求以正确的方式安装监测设备并制定长期维护计划,从而确保数据的可行度和相关性。最后,RESET 对如何报告和连接数据设定了要求,以确保数据的透明度和可达性。
RESET Operational is performance-based, so performance data must be collected to verify the actual performance of the built environment. The data can then be leveraged for benchmarking, setting targets, and iterative improvements.
4. 与其他建筑标准的区别
RESET is a data standard, not a design standard.
As a data standard, the focus is on collecting data and data quality. RESET does not require nor offer specific solutions because each indoor space and/or building is different and will require different solutions depending on the situation reflected in the data.
RESET is first and foremost a standard for data quality and the goal is to collect data that is trusted, actionable, and relevant.
Therefore, all of RESET's requirements involve specifications and requirements around data collection, including:
Monitor Specifications and Deployment Requirements
RESET addresses data quality at the source and specifies requirements for the monitors and the number deployed in a project.
Installation Requirements
RESET makes sure the data is trusted and relevant by requiring monitors to be installed in the right way.
Data Reporting and Platform Requirements
RESET sets requirements for how the data is reported and connected to guarantee transparency and access via analysis and reporting.