RESET 是一系列围绕数据质量和数据透明度的标准和评估工具及服务,旨在帮助建筑环境变得更健康、更可持续。
RESET 坚信无法有效解决无法衡量的问题,因此,RESET 通过标准化促进数据收集和持续监控。数据将是建立意识和知名度的关键,它将帮助我们更好地参与寻找问题的最佳解决方案。
1. 标准
RESET 标准是模块化的,项目团队可以独立执行每个模块。将标准模块化处理,目的是让团队能够根据自身的优先级别执行最重要的标准。项目不要求一次性完成所有的模块。
隐含性能标准和数据封装了与构建环境整个生命周期中的构建过程相关的数据。 空间和建筑物中使用的材料的数据透明度和问责制。
点击此处以了解更多关于 RESET 隐含性能标准( 以前称为 RESET 材料标准 )。
1. RESET 空气
RESET 空气标准让我们能够看到影响室内空间健康、生产力 和可持续性的无形因素。
2. 什么是数据标准?
RESET 标准是一种数据标准,为数据质量、持续监测和基准对比创建了结构。它利用技术力量来获得运营阶段的建筑和室内环境的性能结果。

RESET 标准是性能和结果驱动的。要应用 RESET 标准,建筑或室内空间需要进行长期监测,以确保入住期间运行和维护的质量。

RESET 标准要求将数据传递给居住者和租户。所有系统必须相互连接并自动化,才能将监测设备传感器的数据传输到数据平台。

RESET 标准通过制定监测设备布置、硬件、软件和长期维护的要求,来建立对数据质量的要求。数据质量确保更好的分析和优化。
了解更多关于 RESET 认可监测设备和 RESET 认可数据提供商。
3. 项目类型
RESET 标准可应用于商业室内和核心 & 外壳项目类型。

商业室内 (CI) 项目类型针对建筑环境中的室内空间和装修。它是用户使用的内部空间,包括办公室、购物中心、饭店、酒店房间等。
RESET CI 标准帮助项目团队跟踪建筑性能,以便更清晰地与使用者沟通。以透明的方式呈现建筑数据有助于吸引和保留人才,并有助于提高入住率。

核心 & 外壳
核心 & 外壳 (CS) 项目类型针对建筑结构和系统,比如中央空调暖通系统、水泵和冷却水箱、电梯等。
RESET CS 标准帮助跟踪整个建筑的空气处理机组 (HVAC) 性能,并确保将数据清晰地传达给当前和潜在租户。来自 CS 项目的数据可以帮助业主吸引租户,保持资产价值并降低因为建筑不良表现有关的潜在风险。
4. 项目状态和认可
1. RESET Pre-Accredited
RESET Pre-Accredited 颁授给根据 RESET 标准通过文档审核的项目。无论是否已经开始建设,项目都可申请获得该 RESET 项目认可状态。
2. RESET Accredited
RESET Accredited 颁授给根据 RESET 标准完成监测设备布置并通过文档审核和现场审核,但还未通过对应模块所规定的性能标准的项目。RESET Accredited 项目能够访问 RESET Cloud 进行数据分析和比对。
3. RESET Certified
RESET Accredited 项目一旦通过所规定的性能标准要求,就成为 RESET Certified 项目。RESET Certified 项目是性能为导向并持续进行的,它要求建筑的设施和运营团队、业主和租户共同努力,来维持RESET Certified 状态。
5. Standard Development and Updates
The RESET Standard is developed and updated by iterating through the inputs and feedback from real-world projects via pilots.
The process can be broken down into the following 4 stages:
Stage 1: Initial Identification
The first stage consists of identifying the new idea the applying it to a real project to see if it is feasible. The methodology also needs to be verified to make sense, with feedback from mulltiple parites during the pilot.
- Research Initiative Identification: As identified by GIGA, suggested by RESET APs, and/or project owners.
- Pilot Project Identification: Real-world project(s) from one or several project owner seeking to solve the problem identified above.
- Internal Review: Review of methodology and results by project stakeholders, including GIGA’s research team, RESET APs, project owners, suppliers, and other experts as required.
- Publication of Draft Standard Update: A draft of the standard update is written and published for a wider audience to explore.
Stage 2: Pilot Expansion and Internal Review
The second stage consists of expanding the scope of pilots and reviewing the existing pilots as we iterate through the details of the standard update.
- Expanded pilot projects.
- Expanded Internal Review: Review of methodology and results by project stakeholders, including GIGA's research team, RESET APs, project owners, suppliers, and other experts as required.
- Review and update of the draft standard update with versioning.
Stage 3: External Review and Beta
The third stage consists of establishing a working group to help provide feedback. Most working group members will have access to real-world projects that they can pilot the update so the feedback is practical and relevant.
- Working group composed of external experts focused on the ongoing review and improvement of the standard.
- Publication of the Standard Update (beta).
Stage 4: Official Standard Update
The fourth stage is when we get to the official standard update. The standard document is cleaned up, the website is updated, and the changelog and versions of all the iterations will be available upon request.
- Publication of the Official Standard Update.
A list of pilots can be found at RESET Initiatives. For participation in these pilots, please reach out to us at info[at]