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RESET® 空气 for Core & Shell

Change Log from v2.0 to v2.1

The following section lists a summary of the changes that have been made to each standard document.

For download links, click here.

For a list of all the Change Log pages, click here.

RESET Air Standard for Core & Shell

Summary of Updates made for the RESET Air Standard for Core & Shell from v2.0 to v2.1:

  • Officially introduces Trust & Transparency Score.
  • Officially introduces Alternative Pathways.
    • Introducing option to set Definable Targets for a project.
    • Introducing option to use Non-Accredited Monitors.
    • Introducing additional monitor installation options.
  • Re-wrote introduction section.
  • Re-ordered and cleaned up Monitoring Station Deployment Requirements.
  • Removed Partial Certification.
  • Cleaned up text and removed extraneous words and explanations.

For a complete change log of the document, please click here.

Page by Page Updates

Table of Contents

  • Removed “TM” from all instances of RESET
  • Changed "Certification Approach" to “Purpose and Approach”
  • Added "Structure and Requirements"
  • Changed "Data Analysis Algorithm" to "Data Interval and Data Analysis Algorithm"
  • Changed "Steps for Calculating Monitor Deployment" to "Monitoring Station Deployment Requirements"
  • Added "Trust & Transparency Score"
  • Added "Alternative Pathways"

2.4.0 Preface

  • Cleaned and Updated Text

2.4.1 Introduction

  • New page: Introduction
  • What is RESET Air Standard for Core & Shell? (High-level Concept)
  • What does it define? (Summary) Purpose & Approach

  • Purpose: What is the RESET Air Standard for Core & Shell for? To establish guidelines and rules for RESET Air Projects
  • What is the approach? Performance-based, continuous monitoring data collection, non-prescriptive, and for New or Existing built environments Typologies and Usage

  • New page describing the two Typologies and how they are used
  • Added Description of the two different standards (Interiors and Core & Shell)
  • Added relationship between tenant and landlord

2.4.2 Performance Targets & Data Analysis

  • Added Description of the two different standards (Interiors and Core & Shell)
  • New summary page for Performance Targets and Data Analysis Indoor Air Quality Performance Targets

  • Updated text Adding Optional Parameters

  • New page introducing the ability to include Optional Air Quality Parameters into projects
  • Added Air flow velocity added for induct monitors Data Interval and Data Analysis Algorithm

  • Updated text
  • Text describing that Performance Targets act as thresholds in the data analysis algorithm

2.4.3 System Requirements for Data Collection

  • New summary page for data provider and monitor requirements
  • Text describing continuous monitoring requirements for data providers and monitors and how it connects to the RESET Cloud Data Provider Requirements

  • Updated text
  • Text describing that Performance Targets act as thresholds in the data analysis algorithm
  • Added a link to the RESET Directory Monitor Requirements

  • Simplified to not include Grade A and Grade C
  • Added a link to the RESET Directory

2.4.4 Monitor Installation and Deployment

  • New summary page for monitor installation and deployment
  • Describe Monitor Installation and Monitor Deployment requirements Outdoor Monitor Installation Requirements

  • Updated text
  • Added that the monitors should be in the breathing zone, measured from the center of the monitor Induct Monitor Installation Requirements

  • Updated text Monitoring Station Deployment Requirements

  • Cleaned up text
  • Consolidated to first Calculation, then Deployment
  • Updated Text around project boundary
  • Clear up explanation on the sample project and its project boundary
  • Provide an example on the flexibility of project boundaries
  • Separated the calculations to a second page. Kept this page to simple concepts for Total Air Volume Calculation
  • New page to help visualize the Total Air Volume Calculation step
  • Added text describing and summarizing the requirements for outdoor monitor deployment
  • Added letters to distinguish between the 5 different options for outdoor monitor deployment
  • Added option e., which reflects how a project will only need one outdoor monitor if only one induct monitor was necessary
  • Added an explanation of the logic of how to deploy the outdoor monitors
  • An added note describing why the lower level air intake will likely have the worst outdoor air quality
  • Added an explanation of the logic of how to deploy the outdoor monitors
  • An added note describing why the lower level air intake will likely have the worst outdoor air quality
  • Added text describing and summarizing the requirements for induct monitor deployment
  • Added calculations to help highlight why only 1 induct monitor is needed

2.4.5 Certification Requirements and Process

  • Introduces the different Audits
  • Introduces the different project statuses

2.4.6 Trust & Transparency Score

  • Introducing Trust & Transparency Score
  • Needs to add link to the TT Score page on the RESET Website

2.4.7 Alternative Pathways

  • Introducing Alternative Pathways officially
  • How to introduce new Alternative Pathways Definable Targets

  • Alternative Pathway to establish performance targets Using Non-Accredited Monitors

  • Alternative Pathway for using non-accredited monitors Outdoor Monitor Installation Distance Options

  • Alternative Pathway for outdoor monitor distance Outdoor Monitor Accreditation Options

  • Official language around requirements for outdoor air monitors Alternative Target Monitoring Volume

  • Alternative options for amount of total air volume being monitored

2.4.8 Glossary

  • Cover page for Glossary
  • Cleaned up text