RESET® 空气 for Data Providers
The following section lists a summary of the changes that have been made to each standard document.
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For a list of all the Change Log pages, click here.
RESET Air Standard for Data Providers
Summary of Updates made for the RESET Air Standard for Accredited Data Providers from v2.0 to v2.1:
- Officially introduces Trust & Transparency Score.
- Officially introduces Alternative Pathways.
- Re-wrote introduction section.
- Cleaned up text and removed extraneous words and explanations.
Page by Page Updates
Table of Contents
- Removed “TM” from all instances of RESET
- Added “Purpose and Approach”
- Added "Trust & Transparency Score"
- Added "Alternative Pathways"
2.8.0 Preface
- Added context to RESET Air Projects and updated wording
- Listed out intent
2.8.1 Introduction
- New introduction page explaining the connection between RESET Air Standard and RESET Data Providers
- Establish what the RESET Air Standard for Accredited Data Providers defines Purpose & Approach
- New section: Purpose and Approach
- Purpose is to establish the data provider requirements for RESET Projects
- Approach is focused around data reporting specifications Typologies and Usage
- New page describing the two Typologies and how they are used
- Added Description of the two different standards (Interiors and Core & Shell)
- Added relationship between tenant and landlord
2.8.2 Data Provider Requirements
- New page describing how the system works and an introduction to the requirements of RESET Accredited Data Providers Data Permissions & Transparency
- New section describing permissions & transparency Data & API Requirements
- Clean up text Display and Communication
- Cleaned up text
2.8.3 Accreditation Requirements and Process
- Points to the RESET website for instructions on the accreditation process System Audits
- Simplified language
2.8.4 Trust & Transparency Score
- Introducing Trust & Transparency Score
- Needs to add a link to the TT Score page on the RESET Website
2.8.5 Alternative Pathway
- Introducing Alternative Pathways officially
- How to introduce new Alternative Pathways
2.8.6 Glossary
- Clean up text