The RESET Viral Index, previously know as the RESET Index for Airborne Infection Potential, is an index to inform the likelihood of airborne virus transmission in an indoor space, leveraging research focused around virus transmission and applying it to continuous monitoring.
The RESET Viral Index calculates the potential for infection based on the indoor air quality metrics that can be controlled by a building's or indoor space's air system and expresses it in one number.
Click here to see more details and the whitepaper for the RESET Viral Index.
Status | This RESET Initiative is currently in the Finalization phase. This page will be updated accordingly. |
1. Introduction
The RESET Viral Index is an index to inform the likelihood of airborne virus transmission in an indoor space, leveraging research focused around virus transmission and applying it to continuous monitoring.
The research involved filtering through papers using air quality parameters (temperature, humidity, PM2.5 and CO2) that can be reliably detected by continuous monitoring technology. With that knowledge, we developed the following equation:

The RESET Viral Index is used to optimize a building to minimize airborne infection potential. It highlights the spaces that already have systems in place that are operating to create the healthiest indoor space.
Below is a sample design of the RESET Viral Index Dashboard:

Learn more about the RESET Viral Index.
2. Objective
The objective of this RESET Initiative is to vet the research with a broader group of academic and industry professionals, further advance and document the RESET Viral Index in preparation for publication and release into the public domain.
3. Deliverables
Every RESET Initiative has a set of deliverables that the initiative is committed to completing.
The RESET Initiative for the RESET Viral Index consists of the following deliverables:
Core Deliverables ( $150,000 USD )
Core Deliverables describe what will be completed for the initiative.
Review of the existing RESET Viral Index across a broader range of academic and industry leaders in indoor air quality and airborne viral transmission. Expansion of the Index to include additional parameters.
With the draft as a starting point, we will revise the whitepaper with feedback from the committee and academic and industry leaders. Finalize whitepaper w/ Algorithm is available for teams to use.
Software code examples of the algorithm based on the white paper will be made available.
A webpage on the RESET website will be created to host the summary and download of the whitepaper that can be linked to explain the RESET Viral Index.
Stretch Deliverables ( +$75,000 USD )
Stretch Deliverables are additional deliverables that the initiative can target if there are extra grant funds.
Marketing Collateral
Marketing collateral, one-pagers, and designs that can be downloaded and used to explain and share the RESET Viral Index.
Educational Content
Content for Target decks for how to use monitoring for maximum efficiency.
4. Funding Tiers and Benefits
For this initiative, there are 3 funding tiers: Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Each tier has a list of benefits.
Silver Sponsor
10 Silver Tier sponsorships available for $5,000.
Sponsor Benefits
- Listed as a Silver Sponsor on the RESET Viral Index page.
- Access to the current draft of the RESET Viral Index whitepaper.
Gold Sponsor
5 Gold Tier sponsorships available for $10,000.
Sponsor Benefits
- Listed as a Gold Sponsor on the RESET Viral Index page.
- Access to the current draft of the RESET Viral Index whitepaper.
- Early access to the completed RESET Viral Index whitepaper.
Platinum Sponsor
2 Platinum Tier sponsorships available for $25,000.
Sponsor Benefits
- Listed as a Platinum Sponsor on the RESET Viral Index page.
- Access to the current draft of the RESET Viral Index whitepaper.
- Early access to the completed RESET Viral Index whitepaper.
- Early access to the completed RESET Viral Index algorithm.
- Access to listen in on the committee meetings.
- Access to the committee meeting minutes.
5. Grant Sponsors
The grant sponsor list will be updated as new sponsors fund the initiative.
6. Committee
The application process will be opened once funding is complete.
7. Timeline
Timeline will be updated once the committee is established.