天津大成广场办公楼项目位于天津红桥区红旗北路与湘潭道路交口东北侧,由天津达成兴业房地产开发有限公司开发,认证建筑面积17738平方米(5F-18F)。办公楼项目于2017年开始改建升级,除了提升大楼的硬件设施外,业主还顺应当下人们对健康建筑的追求,将“健康空气”纳入议程,采用了LELANTUS东和林提供的中央空气智能净化系统(HVAC系统),并采纳了RESET作为衡量空气质量的标准。在通过连续三个月的RESET IAQ性能数据审核后,天津大成广场办公楼 (A座) 于2018年7月1日获得 RESET™ Air v2.0: 核心和外壳 认证,成为全球首个获得RESET™ Air v2.0版本的核心和外壳类项目。 The building, developed by Tianjin Dacheng Xingye Real Estate Development Company, is located at the southeast intersection of Hongqi North Road and Ziyahe South Road in the Hongqiao District, Tianjin. The office tower began the upgrade in 2017. It has a built area of 17,738 sq.m and has certified its office floors between levels 5-18. In addition to upgrading the building’s facilities, the building owners decided to create a ‘Healthy Air’ target to provide the occupants and users of the building a healthier one.. The project uses LELANTUS air solutions provided by East Link and adopts RESET as the air quality standard. Tianjin's Dacheng Plaza Office Tower A is now a RESET™ Air Certified Core & Shell project. It is the world’s first RESET™ Air Core & Shell project under the 2.0 version, which was released earlier this year.