自1966年成立以来,DLR Group从一家建筑工程公司逐步发展成集规划、建筑、工程、室内等专业服务为一体的综合性设计公司,服务与各类新建、改建和扩建项目。他们的核心设计领域涵盖了酒店、商业/综合体、办公、基础教育、高等教育、法律市政和体育建筑。从2017年11月开始,DLR Group开始正式对其全球办公室根据RESET™ Air的要求跟踪室内空气质量,先后来自全球的25个办公室都加入其中,建筑面积累计达31000㎡。他们坚信建筑的空气健康是他们一切服务的基础,选择RESET™ Air为他们的空气质量保驾护航。其中旧金山、迪拜、林肯、休斯顿、奥马哈等城市的项目都已通过RESET™ Air v1.0 (Pilot):商业室内 认证。秉持着绿色理念,DLR Group 持续给全世界的用户提供健康的室内环境。 DLR Group is a comprehensive design company integrating planning, construction, engineering, interior and other professional services. Core areas of design expertise include Civic, Courts, Detention, Energy Services, Federal Markets, Higher Education, Hospitality, Housing, K-12 Education, Museums, Performing Arts, Retail/Mixed-Use, Sports, and Workplace. Beginning in November 2017, DLR Group has officially tracked indoor air quality for its global offices according to RESET™ Air requirements. 25 Global offices with 31000㎡ area have joined this initiative, of which, DLR offices in Chicago, San Francisco, Dubai, Houston, Lincoln, etc has been awarded with RESET™ Air v1.0 (Pilot) Certification: Commercial Interior. With this green idea, DLR Group is continuously providing a healthy indoor environment for client around the world.