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As a healthy space as service (HSPaaS) platform, welSpace provides customers with solutions, products, and tools to create, operate, monitor, experience, manage, and connect safe and healthy indoor spaces. It innovates your indoor air experience while improving your business and giving you, your guests, and employees peace of mind. welSPACE provides, but is not limited to hardware components - AirBox, Air Purifier, Window Actuator, UVC Sanitizer, Smart Thermostat, Edge Gateway, and software components - Display Panel, APP, Web Console.

Supported RESET Standards

welSPACE currently supports the following RESET Standards:

  • RESET Air


- Real-time data collection - Data presentation - Digital experience - Trend analysis - Health impact analysis - Air quality index - Air change rate - Infection risk index - Scene management - Space level (room, area, floor, building) monitoring, control, and management


Active Markets

welSPACE is currently available in the following markets:

  • Canada
  • China
  • United States


Pricing is project based. Please contact us for more details.

Company Information

NBDAir (New Bay Digital) An innovative IoT technology company, committed to providing smart and highly effective indoor air health and safety solutions that prevent coronavirus and various pandemic, infectious, and chronic diseases. Our product welSPACE leverages advanced technologies of AIoT, DX, indoor air ventilation, filtration, disinfection, and digital health. It innovates the indoor health experience, while its real-time and historical data integrations and visualizations allow you to gain valuable insights into your health & safety conditions always ensuring a healthy safe environment, with generated awareness and guided healthy behaviors. NA: https://www.nbdair.com CN: https://www.newbaydigital.com

Contact Information

For North America: info@nbdair.com 303-800-4852 For China: info@nbdair.com 0755-23735643

Accreditation Date
