AirGradient's powerful analytics engine gives you the insight you need to create a healthier and more productive environment. Seven key factors are monitored that influence your health and safety: Particles (PM2.5), Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Chemicals (TVOC), Humidity and Temperature, Light, and Noise. Research shows that poor indoor air can cost companies thousands of dollars each year due to productivity loss. In educational institutions, healthier air can help with increased test scores and student attendance.
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Supported RESET Standards
AirGradient currently supports the following RESET Standards:
- Designed for high performance monitoring of hundreds of sensors in large installations, providing an immediate overview of the air quality in all rooms or offices - Powerful user-defined alerts, notifications, and reports - Comparison with outside air quality - Integrate your organisations air quality policy - Custom design of displays and website widgets for public air quality information - Special analytics dashboard and data export - Integrate third-party monitors


Historical Chart

Supported RESET Air Accredited Monitors
AirGradient currently supports the following RESET Air Accredited Monitors: